An embarrassing cliffhanger!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
This is another commission we've done the last month that we have been given permission to post to our site.
Even though we're focused on ENF, this was still one we had to put up. After all, her panties stays...no wait... Oh, nope, there is some butt crack!
Oh well, guess it just went a bit ENF after all!
Also, we will be releasing something new and big VERY soon! Stay tuned for more!
Posted by Moonshine at 3:36 PM | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
I love how the one girl's flip-flop has already fallen off!
This reminds me a little bit of a Mandy cartoon by Dean Yeagle where Mandy is hanging on the side of a cliff and her dog is hanging on to the back of her pants and her pants get pulled down. Except Mandy wasn't wearing any panties.
Both those girls need belts, but I'm glad they don't have 'em XD